Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Daily Devotion: Focus!

Colossians 3: 1-8

Main Verse:
Colossians 3: 2
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Once we receive the Lord as our personal Lord and Savior, we have a new life and our way of thinking starts to change. The things of this earth no longer matter. We long to feel the Lord's presence. But have you noticed that as you follow Christ day by day, you realize that you just continue to live in the present. What I mean is, you no longer plan about what you would further do to improve your spiritual life and even your relationship with the Lord. Praying and reading the Bible become just simple routines that have to be performed because we are supposed to do them. But we must remember that because God dwells in us, we must never grow tired of fixing our sight on things above and when we do things for the Lord, we must do it with eagerness and excitement.

If we do not feel impassioned when talking about the Lord or when doing things for the Lord, then it's time we examine our hearts and check if Christ really dwells in our heart. It is so easy to speak to others about the Lord, but in God's eyes, our heart and thoughts are always evident. He knows our level of passion for Him, and He can see right through us. If we want to have an intimate relationship with the Lord, we should let the Lord influence our life. We must glorify Him in everything that we do because we represent the Lord here in this world. Our actions must reflect that we are indeed children of God. Our friends, family, co-workers, or employees should be able to easily identify that the Lord dwells in us. Let us strive to focus on Jesus and not on ourselves.

Lord, forgive me if I lose sight of spiritual things and pay more attention to the things of this world. Thank you for the reminders. Your Word is indeed alive! When I need to be admonished, your Word rebukes and reprimands me. Help me to always see what is most important so I may never lose my focus on You. All these I pray in your Mighty Name. AMEN.

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