Saturday, August 12, 2017

Daily Devotion: Carrying Each Other's Burdens

Galatians 6: 1-5

Main Verse:
Galatians 6: 2
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Any kind of work becomes easier when it is shared by each member. I remember when I was in college and there were projects to finish, my classmates and I were able to complete our projects because we helped each other. At work, when each team member contributed to the task, we were able to handle the workload with ease.

What does it mean to carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ? As church members, we are part of the family of God. Therefore, we are sensitive to the pains our brother or sister feels. When we experience difficult times and we lift up our burdens to the Lord, don't we instantly feel unburdened? Why? Because we feel that there is someone right beside us who can carry the load for us. When we do the same for our brothers and sisters, we are helping them lessen the pain or sorrow they are feeling.

Sometimes, all it takes to lighten a brother's or sister's burden is a comforting voice, a tight hug, or even a tap on their shoulder. These simple acts can make them feel that they are not alone in the problem they are facing, and that our mere presence is enough for them to feel that there is someone else helping them carry their burden. You will be even surprised that the Holy Spirit is already using you at the right moment to give them words of encouragement. And when the Spirit is leading you to offer more for a friend who is in crisis, then be more than willing to help. We can pray for them, yes, but sometimes, the reason the Lord has brought the person to us is He wants us to help the person in any and every way we can.

Lord, thank you for your Word. I pray that I may be more encouraging to my brothers and sisters and be available to offer my help in every possible way. May the Holy Spirit guide me by giving me the right occasions to help others. All these I pray in the Mighty Name of Your Son Jesus. AMEN.

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