Saturday, February 18, 2017

Daily Devotion: The "Jonathans" in Our Lives

1 Samuel 18: 1-4
After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. 2 From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. 3 And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. 4 Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.

We are familiar with the story of how David became king, but little is known about how Jonathan formed such a close bond with him. Imagine the son of King Saul, who was supposed to be heir to the king's throne, has befriended the person whom God has appointed to become the next King of Israel. Any ordinary person would have felt angry about God's decision to have someone outside of the clan to become the next king. But Jonathan did not even harbor any ill feelings for David. He even made a covenant with him because "he loved him as himself." He gave him his most prized possessions. In other words, he treated David more than a friend. If you were in Jonathan's shoes, and you knew that this person might take the crown away from you, would you have agreed to take David into your house? Most of us would answer "Never! Why would I let this person stay with us? Why would I consider him a friend? He is an enemy!" No ordinary person would ever agree to this situation. But it was God at work here. God has let Jonathan feel great love that he "became one in spirit" with David. This would not have been possible if God had not let this happen. If not for Jonathan, David would not have become King. And if not for David, Israel would not have had a great king, and Jesus, the King of all Kings, would not have been born. God causes all things to happen because he is the Master of all plans. Nothing is accidental. All things work together for good because God has intended them to happen.

God introduces us to many "Jonathans" because he has a greater purpose for our life. I met a "Jonathan" who was a high school classmate who first shared the Gospel with me.  I had an older brother in Christ who became my "Jonathan" and provided me encouragement and inspiration and helped me become a better Christian. I met "Jonathans" one day at the supermarket who introduced me to a church where my hungry soul could be nourished again. I have a "Jonathan" right now who is my mentor, and who continues to guide me with my walk with God. God allows us to meet these "Jonathans" so that His purpose in our lives may be fulfilled.

Father, thank you for these "Jonathans." If not for them, I would not be where I am right now in my walk with you. I pray that I may become a "Jonathan" to others, too, so that your purpose may be fulfilled in their lives. AMEN.

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