Monday, December 24, 2018

Daily Devotion: A Seeking and Obedient Heart

The Book of Ruth

Main Verse: 
Ruth 4: 14-15
"Praise be to the LORD, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth."

Ruth's life story in the Bible was another occasion when God showed that He always works for our good if we continue to seek Him.  She led a difficult life. She grew up in Moab, a land that did not worship God. She lost her husband, and she did not bear a child. Her brother-in-law who was supposed to redeem her to continue the family line also died. But these circumstances did not stop her from following Naomi, her mother-in-law. Ruth could have just stayed in Moab with her people. But she followed Naomi believing in her heart that God is with them and that God has a beautiful purpose in spite of what happened to her and her mother-in-law. Ruth continued to seek the Lord by moving to Judah with Naomi instead of staying with her pagan relatives.

We witness in Ruth a woman of character. She respected and honored her mother-in-law. She worked hard to provide food for her and Naomi. Ruth had a teachable heart, so she obeyed what Naomi requested her to do. She obeyed Naomi, knowing in her heart that her mother-in-law had nothing but the best intentions for her. In the end, God rewarded her obedience. She became the wife of Boaz, and they had a son Obed. Obed  gave them a grandson Jesse, who gave them a great-grandson, King David. 

God wants us to commit our life to Him. He wants us to continue to seek Him and trust Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ruth may not have known what God had laid out for her, but she just trusted the Lord. 

We may have gone through tough times, or perhaps, you may be experiencing an uncomfortable situation right now. But if we earnestly seek God, He will grant the desires of our heart. If we remain humble and continue to obey our God the Father, believe that He will be good to us.

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, 
to the one who seeks him. 
Lamentations: 3:35

Father, I will continue to put my trust in You, even though times are difficult. I believe in my heart that your great purpose in my life does not end when I experience obstacles. You use these circumstances to build in me a character in the likeness of your Son Jesus, so I will endure and remain in your presence. Thank you, Lord, for teaching me to have a humble heart, and for always finding ways to bring me close again to your arms. I thank and praise you in the name of Your Son Jesus. AMEN.

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