Friday, February 10, 2017

Daily Devotion: Justified Through Faith, At Peace with God

Romans 5:1

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Observation: Before we were redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we were all sinners. We were unworthy in His presence and we did not have a chance to be friends with God. In fact, we were His enemies because of the sin that was in us ever since we were born in this world, which we inherited from Adam and Eve. We were separated from God, but He never completely abandoned man. He loved us still despite our shortcomings and imperfections. 

This is why He brought his Son into this world, so we can be reconciled to Him. This reconciliation was made possible by the blood of Jesus. Through faith in Jesus' selfless act of suffering and sacrifice, we have been made righteous in the eyes of God.

It is this truth that gives me the kind of peace that I feel right now. Knowing that Jesus is up there mediating on our behalf gives me the assurance that I can remain at peace with God the Father. In the past, when I felt so far away from God, my heart was restless. When I fail to spend time with the Lord through prayer and devotion, I feel distant from Him. But being close with God gives that unexplainable kind of peace. It is this peaceful heart that tells me that God is just so close by, watching over me, reassuring me that "Everything is going to be okay, my child."

Lord, I want to be always at peace with you. Allow me to be close to you and continue working in me and watching over me so I can continue feeling your presence. AMEN.

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