Monday, February 20, 2017

Daily Devotion: A Victorious Life in God

1 Samuel 18: 1-30
Main Verse:
1 Samuel 18: 14
David was successful in all that he did, for the LORD was with him. (ISV)

David continued to win many battles against the Philistines during the time he served King Saul. Whenever they fought against their enemies, David was "successful everywhere Saul sent him" (v.5). Israel was proud to have a great soldier defeating their enemies and sang him praises. However, Saul was not pleased. He became jealous because he knew that God was with David, but the Lord has left him. Everytime he attempted to kill David, David was able to escape.

King Saul observed that the Lord was with him. Even the king acknowledged that the spirit of God guided David in his every battle (vv. 12 & 28). David did not boast of his accomplishments and did not think of these victories as a result of his own doing, but people heard about what he has done to defeat the Philistines. His victories were proof that the Lord was with him, fighting for him, winning every battle.

We all have our battles in life. We may be suffering from an incurable disease. We may have lost a loved one and are still hurting. We may have lost a job or failed a business. But these should not stop us from continuing to trust in God. Each of us has our own struggles, and having a successful life is not easy, but we can be assured of a triumphant life if the Lord is with us and if we walk with God. There are many stories in the Bible that show we can be victorious if the Lord is with us.

"The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a successful man." (Genesis 39:2)
"So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame was in all the land." (Joshua 6:27)
"So the Lord was with him, and Hezekiah prospered wherever he went." (2 Kings 18:7)

When you overcome your trials and battles, people will notice it. Some will give you praise, but some will be jealous, just like what Saul felt when David became victorious. But we have to continue in our walk with God no matter what other people say. What is important is that the Lord is pleased with our lives. David honored God by humbling himself and considering himself nothing in the sight of the Lord, but the Lord raised him up and gave him a victorious life. Wouldn't it be great to have the Lord by our side at all times?

Lord, thank you for Jesus' victory on the cross. His triumph over death is proof that I can be victorious in my struggles with life. Continue to guide me and lead me in my life battles so that people may see your wonderful ways and your name may be glorified. AMEN.

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