Sunday, April 30, 2017

Daily Devotion: Seeking God's Will

Genesis 13: 1-18

Main Verse:
Genesis 13: 4
There Abram called on the name of the Lord.

Genesis 13 tells the story of Abram and his nephew Lot. Abram's and Lot's herdsmen quarreled a lot because they both had large herds of livestock, and the grazing areas were no longer enough for the two of them. So Abram decided that he and Lot must part ways. Lot took the land near Sodom and Gomorrah because the land was suitable pastureland, but he did not consider that at that time, Sodom's wickedness was so great (v.13). Lot immediately decided without consulting the Lord first. We all know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot's wife. Because of Lot's wife's disobedience, she turned into stone.

When we make important decisions in life, we need to consult the Lord first. Lot did not even ask for the Lord's guidance before choosing the land that he wished to live in. Had he prayed to God first, his family would have been spared from God's wrath. After Lot has decided which part of the area he has chosen, the Lord spoke to Abraham and gave him His blessings. Abraham showed us how he sought the Lord's will at all times. He "called on the name of the Lord." Let us be like Abraham, who prioritized seeking God's will before making an important decision. When we do, the Lord promises He will pour out great blessings upon us.

Father, I pray that I may always know and seek and do your will in my life. Remind me, Lord, when I fail to consult you even with the most trivial things. Thank you for your goodness and your countless blessings. AMEN.

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