Thursday, March 30, 2017

Daily Devotion: Thirsty for God

Psalms 63: 1-5

Main Verse
Psalms 63: 1
You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

Psalms 63 tells us a lot of things about King David's relationship with the Lord. First, David declared the Lord as his personal God (v. 1). He does not just say "God" or "Lord"; he calls the Lord "my God." Second, David had this longing to seek God "earnestly." He longed to be with the Lord and wanted to be with Him. It was not just a simple want to feel God's presence. He had this longing, an aching desire to be with the Lord. He compared his thirst to what he would have felt if he were trapped on a dry and parched land with absolutely no available water. David was in the wilderness trying to flee from his enemies but this did not hinder him from trying to find solace in God's sanctuary. He has seen and felt God's great power and glory, so he is confident that God will protect him. His inner being desires to praise and glorify the Lord no matter what the situation.

I admire King David's relationship with the Lord. He sets a good example of the kind of relationship we ought to have with God. Do we also have the same confidence to declare the Lord as our personal God? Do we also have this personal relationship with the Lord that makes us thirst in his presence at all times? Like David, do we remember God's goodness even when we are in difficult situations and praise God and rejoice despite experiencing terrible circumstances? We can all follow David's example. We could find satisfaction and confidence in the Lord and his promises when we enter his Holy Sanctuary in prayer. We should always seek Him and thirst for Him and long to be with Him. He can speak with us in our prayers if we truly desire to see his glory.

My God, I desire to see your greatness. I praise and thank you for your faithfulness in my life. May I have the same passionate longing and thirst to be in your presence at all times. AMEN.

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