Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Daily Devotion: Sincere Prayers from the Silent Heart

1 Samuel 1: 1-20

Main Verse:
1 Samuel 1: 20
So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, "Because I asked the LORD for him."

Hannah was barren. It has been several years, yet she had never experienced holding her own child in her arms. She was mocked and taunted by her husband's second wife, Penninah, for not giving him a child. In Hebrew tradition, an infertile woman is looked down by society. She was probably mocked not only by Penninah, but also by the women in the village where she lived.

She's had enough of the bullying.

It was that time of the year again to visit the tabernacle to worship the Lord. There, Hannah poured out her spirit unto the Lord. In one corner of the tabernacle, she silently cried unto the Lord, asking Him to grant her prayer and end her agony. Deep in her heart, she was sincerely praying to the Lord not only for a child. She was seeking the Lord for comfort and encouragement. And God listened. Hannah's face was no longer downcast after praying (1 Samuel 1:18), she gave birth to a son because God heard her prayer (1 Samuel 1: 20), and the Lord graciously gave her three more sons and two daughters (1 Samuel 2:21).

Who do we talk to when we are feeling down? When we're in agony, how often have we knelt or bowed down really low and cried out to the Lord? We can learn two things from the way Hannah approached her misery:

1. Seek God in your sadness. Instead of coming to others, Hannah poured out her soul to the Lord. She sought God because she believed that only God has the power to answer prayers and provide her the encouragement she desperately looked for. After praying, the Lord granted her comfort from the misery she was experiencing from her husband's second wife.

2. Seek God silently. Hannah was praying in her heart. Her lips were moving, but her voice could not be heard. Our prayers do not need to be loud and repetitive. Sometimes, the most sincere prayers come from the most silent of hearts. Come to the Lord, have a silent conversation with Him, and tell Him your pains and suffering. He is waiting.

God is always there to meet us. Whether we are in agony or in a difficult circumstance, He is always more than willing to give us His grace and meet our needs. We may have a husband who can offer a shoulder to cry on, a family who can listen to our problems, or a friend who can offer a drink when we're troubled, but there is no one like our God who listens intently to our prayers and pleas. When we pour out our anguish and grief directly unto the Lord, God will graciously answer our prayers. The comfort and peace that God offers after talking with and lifting up everything to Him is more than enough answer to our prayers.

And we all know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. 
Romans 8: 28

Our Father in Heaven, thank you for hearing our voices. You know the pains that we have in our heart and you are always there to listen to us. Forgive me, Father, for not putting you first when I am in anguish. Let me experience your grace at all times. I pray that I may always have a grateful heart for everything that you have done in my life. Teach me to always remember your blessings. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN.

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