Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Daily Devotion: A Touch of Faith

Mark 5: 24-34

Main Verse:
Mark 5: 28

The unnamed woman who had been bleeding for 12 years in the apostle Mark's story is a story of faith. By simply touching the hem of Jesus' garment, she was healed of all her pain and sickness. She was just like any of the other people in the crowd that day, wanting to see the Messiah but more than that, she wanted to experience healing from Jesus. There were many other people in that crowd who have also touched the Lord Jesus, but as soon as the woman touched the hem of Jesus' garment, both the Lord and the woman sensed something. She knew right there and then that she had been healed as her bleeding stopped, while Jesus felt strong faith from the person who touched his garment. It was not the touch that Jesus sensed; rather, it was the faith radiating from that touch that came from the woman.

There is hope in Christ alone.

When nothing is working in order, when everything else has failed, when you think healing is impossible, or when your burden is too heavy to carry, believe and trust that God will not fail you.

All it takes is a touch of faith for the Lord our God to perform a miracle in our lives.

My Lord and my God Jesus, you are the God of the impossible. I will put my trust in you because you can move in miraculous ways, and I do not even have to lift a finger in order to experience your wonder. Thank you once again, Lord, for revealing to me your greatness. I will praise you and worship you for you alone are the Great and Almighty One. AMEN.

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