Thursday, March 23, 2017

Daily Devotion: The Lord's Invitation

Hebrews 10:19-25

Main Verse:
Hebrews 10: 22-23
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

During the Old Testament, there were appointed priests who would make the offering for the atonement of sins. Nobody can enter the Most Holy Place because everyone was a sinner. Only the appointed priests can mediate between people and God. But the Lord Jesus is no ordinary priest appointed by men. He is The Great High Priest. Because of what the Lord has done on the cross, because of his living sacrifice, we have been given the right to approach God. We can confidently enter God's holy place because Jesus has paid for our sins through his blood on the cross. And Jesus is no ordinary High Priest. He is priest and He is King who is seated in the house of God! We can draw near to God because of this privilege given to us by our Father!

We get invited at weddings and birthday parties because the person who invited us knows us personally. We would never be given an invitation if the person does not have a connection with us. And when we are invited, isn't it we can freely enter the place of gathering and dine with the host of the party?

The Lord our Father has also given us an invitation to enter His Holy place and enjoy the privilege of having communion with Him. It is an invitation not given to everyone, but only to those who have been cleansed and made pure by Jesus's blood. If we know in our hearts that we have received the privilege of justification through faith in Jesus Christ, we have instant access to the Father and we can freely enter God's Holy Sanctuary through prayer. We can confidently come to the Lord's presence, experience God's holiness, and hold on to his faithful promise.

Father, thank you for the honor of coming to your Holy Place. Thank you that I can freely praise you and worship you and bring to you my petitions. You are indeed a faithful God who never lies to His children. I will forever praise you for your faithfulness in my life. You are my God, forever Lord, and King of my life! AMEN.

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