Monday, February 27, 2017

Daily Devotion: Lacking in Nothing

Psalms 23: 1-6
Main Verse:
Psalms 23: 1
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

We all know that David used to be a shepherd before God annointed him as King. As shepherd, his responsibility was to keep his sheep away from danger and to lead them to places where there is sufficient food and water. As king of Israel, he knew that his responsibility was to be shepherd to his people. He had been placed by God to watch over Israel, protect them, and make sure that their needs were adequately provided.

There are two things that can be observed from this verse:
1. The Lord is David's Shepherd. When David wrote Psalms 23, he was acknowledging his need for someone to lead and guide him. He was already king of Israel, yet, he knew that he needed the guidance of the Lord in his life.

2. The Lord can provide for all of his needs. David was king and he had everything he needed. In fact, he could have anything that he wanted. He did not worry about anything. But David acknowledged that the presence of the Lord fills him. It is not material possessions or riches that gives him a sense of fulfillment. It is the assurance that the Lord, as his shepherd, is there to take care of everything for him.

Trusting in God does not mean the Lord will give us everything that we desire; rather, if we know that the Lord is our shepherd, we have the peace and contentment that the Lord, as Our Shepherd, will provide for all our needs and that we do not need to worry about anything. No matter what situation we are in right now, no matter what problems or trials we are suffering from, if the Lord is truly our shepherd, and if we trust in his guidance as the Shepherd of Our Life, we know that we will never lack in anything and that His provisions are sufficient. We have to trust and acknowledge that the Lord already knows what we need before we even ask Him.

Father, thank you for reminding me that you are my Shepherd. Thank you for the assurance that I can always rely on your sufficient provisions. AMEN.

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