Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Daily Devotion: The Shepherd's Leading

Psalms 23:1-6

Main Verse:
Psalms 23:2-3
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

A good shepherd knows where to guide his sheep so that they do not wander aimlessly. A good shepherd will never lead his sheep to a place of harm. On the other hand, a flock of sheep that does not have a shepherd won't be able to find their way home. Sheep depend on the shepherd for food and protection.

David acknowledged that he is also one of the sheep among the Lord's flock, and that the Lord, as his Great Shepherd is his leader. Despite the fact that he is king of Israel, David is also like sheep that would need the leading of a shepherd. Other animals can find their own food and water to survive, but sheep need someone who will lead them to good pastures and waters. David knew that only the Lord can provide spiritual, physical, and mental nourishment. He found comfort in the fact that only the Lord can restore his lonely and weary soul.

We need to recognize that we need a shepherd in our lives that can lead us to the paths of righteousness. Some of us forget the Lord when we have an abundance of blessings, when we have plenty of money, when we have a job that gives us financial security, or when we have become powerful or successful. Sometimes, we worry when we have problems or when we are in difficult situations. The worries of this world hinder us from seeing the importance of a shepherd. We try to solve our own situations or own problems, but like sheep we end up causing ourselves more harm than good, because we fail to acknowledge that we need the Lord's guidance in everything that we do.

We have to trust that the Lord knows what is best for us. We need to recognize that no matter what situation we are in, we need a shepherd in our lives to lead us to the paths of righteousness. As the Great Shepherd, he will never lead his sheep to destruction. The Lord is always there to lead us to greener pastures and still waters so that our tired and thirsty souls may be filled and restored. 

Father, forgive me for being stubborn and for failing to recognize your voice. Teach me to always listen to your voice, and to follow you and to trust you as my Shepherd. Thank you for the assurance that you can restore my soul and lead me to the right path at all times. AMEN.

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