Friday, March 17, 2017

Daily Devotion: Honey to Our Soul

Psalms 119: 94-104

Main Verse:
Psalms 119: 104
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

The psalmist in Psalms 119 had listed the reasons why he loved to meditate on God's Word. First, it gave him the wisdom that he can use against his enemies (v. 98). David acknowledged that true wisdom comes from God. Second, it gave him insight, or a deeper understanding of the law (v. 99-100). He may have heard about the teachings and laws from his ancestors and forefathers, but meditating on them gave him a clearer and more intuitive understanding of the law. Third, the law kept him away from evil. God's Word was David's shield. He was able to behave in accordance to God's law because he knew what the Lord wanted him to do. 

I love how David described the word of God: "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Honey tastes good, and it also has medicinal properties that can heal the body. There is joy in meditating in the word of God. Through His book, we get to understand who God is, the magnificent and amazing things he has done for man, and his everlasting love. When we study the Word of God, we can hold on to God's promises. God's Word can also heal our broken spirit. When we open our Bibles and seek God's words, we can find comfort and peace. Indeed, God's word is honey to our soul!

Every Sunday, we may hear the word of God from the sermon, but it can never replace our personal devotion and meditation. As disciples, we need to meditate on God's word day and night (Psalms 1: 1-3) so we can gain a deeper understanding of who the Lord is and what his commands are. We need to keep God's laws in our head and in our hearts, so that it will never depart us and so that it will equip us for our work as disciples. Meditating on God's word every day gives us a divine opportunity to have a personal encounter with our Father. I consider it a great privilege to know the Lord that I worship and serve whenever He reveals Himself to me through his Words! 

Father, I praise you for every opportunity to know you and understand your greatness and to grow more intimately with you. Thank you for revealing Your Holiness to me through your Word. I pray that I may continue to see your goodness and your love as I meditate on your law day and night. AMEN.

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