Friday, April 28, 2017

Daily Devotion: Blessed Beyond Measure

Ecclesiastes 2: 3-11

Main Verse:
Ecclesiastes 2: 11
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.

King Solomon was gifted with wisdom, but aside from that, he was also blessed with riches and wealth. During his reign, he built a lot of structures for himself: great houses and kingdoms, vineyards, gardens, and parks, and reservoirs. He bought slaves and had countless flocks and herds for himself. He accumulated great wealth and treasure for himself. He had many entertainers and wives. Anyone could say that Solomon was blessed beyond measure. Aren't these the things that most of us desire to have? But take note of what King Solomon said in v. 11: Everything was meaningless. He still felt empty despite having everything in life.

As Christians, our source of joy does not come from the things of this world. I read somewhere that joy and happiness are not the same. Happiness is dependent on outward circumstances. Joy comes from within. It is manifested because Christ lives in us, and we have a joyful heart regardless of the situation. A true Christian has a contented heart and is easily satisfied with whatever he currently has. He is not lacking because the Lord fills him up. And no matter what his condition, he has a thankful heart because he believes that his greatest blessing is the one that he has personally received from the Lord: the gift of salvation from God's immeasurable grace and mercy.  Indeed, the Lord our God is worthy to be praised for we are blessed beyond measure!

Father, your gift of salvation is truly enough for me.  Thank you for the joy and contentment that you let me experience. Lord, continue to touch my life so that I can always have a thankful and grateful heart. May I always remember that the greatest blessing in life is your gift of forgiveness and salvation. AMEN.

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