Friday, April 7, 2017

Daily Devotion: Responding to God's Call

1 Samuel 3: 1-21

Main Verse:
1 Samuel 3: 10
The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."

Eli the prophet was already weak when the Lord began to appoint Samuel as a prophet. At that time, Samuel did not know about the Lord (v. 7), and "the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him." This means that Samuel did not have a deep understanding of who the Lord is despite growing up in the tabernacle with Eli. So when the Lord called him three times, he did not respond. He thought it was Eli calling him. But on the third time, when Eli realized that the Lord was calling Samuel, he instructed Samuel to answer the Lord. And when the Lord called Samuel again, Samuel was able to give the Lord an answer.

There are two things we can learn from God's appointment of Samuel. First, the Lord uses people like us so that those who do not know the Lord yet would know how to listen to the Lord's voice. In Samuel's case, Eli was God's instrument so that Samuel would know what to do in case the Lord calls him again. Second, we can learn from how Samuel responded to the Lord's call. He immediately said "your servant is listening." He was ready to serve the Lord. He was ready for whatever work the Lord will assign him to do. He was willing to do what God wants him to do.

When the Lord calls us for works of service, do we listen and answer the Lord right away, "Yes, Lord. Here I am... I am your servant. I am listening"? Or, do we turn a blind eye and deliberately ignore the Lord when He speaks to us, most especially when He asks us to serve Him? Let us not just listen when the Lord calls us rather consider it an opportunity when the Lord appoints us to serve in His House.

Father, thank you for your reminder that I should listen closely to your voice when you call me. I pray that I may be always worthy in your presence when you ask me to serve you. Give me a joyful heart at all times. AMEN.

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