Monday, February 13, 2017

Daily Devotion: Seeking for Zacchaeus

Luke 19: 9-10
9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

Many of us are familiar with the story of Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector. During the time of Jesus, people hated tax collectors, as most of these tax collectors collected more tax than what people were supposed to pay. They were considered sinners. But Zacchaeus had this desire to see Jesus. It was not just a simple wish of seeing Jesus in person or meeting the Lord or having his autograph. He wanted to meet the Lord and be saved. 

It is interesting that while Jesus was passing through Jericho, he looked up the sycamore tree where Zacchaeus was and immediately told him that he wanted to stay at his house. Why? The Lord knew what was in Zacchaeus' heart. Zacchaeus had faith that the Son of God would be able to save him from being a sinner, so he told the Lord that he would be willing to part with his possessions and to pay back those people that he has cheated four times the amount of what he has taken. He admitted his sins to the Lord! He knew that he had no hope of salvation. He wanted to be free from his sins and be forgiven. 

The Lord seeks for "Zacchaeuses." He came here on earth to "look for" sinners, people who are willing to accept that they have sinned and need a Savior. The Lord wants to save us, but He can only save us if we admit that we need to be saved. Like Zacchaeus, he is waiting for us to tell him, "Lord, I have sinned. I need your grace to fall upon me. I am drowning, with no hope of salvation." We need to accept in our hearts that we need the Lord as our Savior so that he can enter into our lives and heal us from our sins.

Lord, thank you that you have found me. I was a sinner, but you looked for me and saved me from my sins. I was unworthy, but you have sought me and gave me hope of salvation. Thank you for your great love. AMEN.

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