Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Daily Devotion: Cry Out to God

Psalms 18: 1-18

Main Verse:
Psalms 18: 3
I cried out to the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I was delivered from my enemies.

David was indeed a man of God. When he was being attacked by his enemies and by Saul, he prayed to the Lord many times. He started his prayers by praising God for His greatness and acknowledging that only the Lord can save him. In fact, in verse 3 of Psalms 18, he "cried out" to the Lord. David gave us a good example of what the Lord can do when we are in distress. I can imagine how David feared for his life at that time! Imagine being surrounded by enemies everywhere. He had to hide in caves so that he can avoid Saul and his soldiers. But he had the confidence to call on the Lord, because he knew that the Lord will answer him.


When was the last time you cried out to God? 

Sometimes, we are too preoccupied with how to solve our problems on our own. We tend to forget that we have a God who can solve the problems for us, and we need not lift a finger. When we call on the Lord for help, we are acknowledging that we cannot do anything, and that God alone can make the impossible possible. He is God! He can do anything! As God's children, we can "cry out" to the Lord when we need Him. The Lord assures us that if we call on him, He will save us (Acts 2:21). God can give us victory, deliver us from our tribulations, and save us from troubles if our prayers are earnest. When we cry out to God, when we tell the Lord specifically what it is that troubles us, God will answer us. We have a great God who is never deaf to his children who sincerely ask for His help!

Father, thank you that I can confidently cry out to you when I am in distress. You are God, my strength, my comfort, my deliverer, and my refuge. Forgive me when I forget to acknowledge your greatness. May I come to you and pray and seek for your wisdom anytime when problems bother me. AMEN.

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