Monday, March 20, 2017

Daily Devotion: Our Influence as Christians

Daniel 6: 10-28

Main Verse:
Daniel 6: 25-26

Then King Darius wrote to all the nations and peoples of every language in all the earth:

“May you prosper greatly! I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel."

When Daniel was thrown into the lion's den for disobeying the king's decree, he did not make any justifications or excuses. He has disobeyed the law of the king; therefore, he knew that he will be punished. But it is also interesting to note what King Darius felt and did at that time. He was fond of Daniel. In fact, he made every effort to rescue Daniel from the punishment (v. 14). Before Daniel was put in the lion's den, he told Daniel that he hoped his God will rescue him (v. 16). The king knew that Daniel had been faithful to God and continued to serve Him. The next morning, the first thing that the king asked him was if God was able to rescue him from the lions (v. 20). And when Daniel was able to reply that God had protected him, the king was overjoyed.

Why did King Darius have great respect for Daniel and God? I believe it was because Daniel was never afraid to show to the king his faith in God. He was never afraid to show to others how he served God. He was never afraid to show to others what it meant to follow God. And because of his dedication to serving God, Daniel was able to impress the king. The king himself was able to witness the power of God that he ordered everyone in the kingdom to have reverence for the God that Daniel serves!

Our ultimate purpose is for others to witness and experience God's greatness. We should not give in when the ways of this world contradict our faith and belief in the living God. We need to stand firm and be strong in the Lord, for the Lord will never disappoint us. And when others see how God has been working in our lives, people will start to acknowledge the God that we trust, love, and serve. We do not even have to open our mouths to influence others. The way we live our lives is a silent testimony of how God works in us in miraculous ways.

Father, I praise you for you are a living God, and you work in amazing ways in the lives of your children. I pray that I may be a channel of blessing to others so that they may personally witness your miracles and taste and see that you, Oh Lord, are great! AMEN.

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