Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Daily Devotion: Follower of The Word

Matthew 13: 10-17

Main Verse:
Matthew 13: 16
But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

The disciples were eager to know why Jesus was teaching using parables. There were crowds of people who followed Jesus, but not everyone could truly understand the Lord's teachings.  Prior to the disciples' question, the Lord had already narrated the parable of the sower (vv. 1-9). Jesus knew what was in the hearts of some of these people. They were mere spectators. They just wanted to see Jesus, but they did not sincerely want to know and follow Jesus. Jesus proclaimed his message of repentance to these multitudes of people, but not everyone was responsive. Jesus wanted to emphasize with the disciples that the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to them (v. 11), but not to those who are apathetic to his message.

We should be glad if we have been given eyes and ears that can truly comprehend Jesus's message of repentance and salvation. When we read the Bible, we should pray to the Lord for wisdom so that we can genuinely understand His Words. And when we read, we should not just be observers, but doers of the Word. The Lord has given us a means to know who He is and the Father, to recognize his purpose and plans for our life, and to help us empower our faith in the Lord, which is through His Holy Word. Let us not be mere spectators of the Lord. Let us be followers of the Word. We will continue to grow in our knowledge and understanding of the Lord if our heart seeks to follow Jesus.

Lord, thank you for your Holy Word. Thank you that you have given me a way to know you and the Father. Grant me the wisdom so that I may continue to understand your purpose in my life, and give me that burning desire to always follow your commands. AMEN.

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