Monday, April 24, 2017

Daily Devotion: God's Favorite Ones

1 Corinthians 1: 18-31

Main Verse:
1 Corinthians 1: 27
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

The Lord also has His favorites.

Yes, you read it right. I believe the Lord also had His favorites, His chosen ones. The Lord chose Joseph to save the Israelites during the 7 years of famine. He was not the eldest son of Jacob, but God favored him. The Lord called upon Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He may have lived in Egypt as a prince, but his parents were ordinary Israelites. The Lord chose David to become Israel's next king. He was not a soldier and he did not come from a family of kings, but God favored him and made him king of Israel. It is also from David's line that our Messiah, the Lord Jesus, came from.

What do Moses, Joseph, and David all have in common? They were ordinary people, but they had extraordinary lives because God has chosen them. God has chosen the weak, but He has given them power so that through them, people may witness and experience God's great power.

Do you want to be God's favorite? If you do, there is one thing you need to do: Obey the Lord. Joseph, Moses, and David were all nobodies but the Lord chose them to lead Israel, because they sought the Lord's will. They were willing to risk all and obey the Lord because they had such great faith that God can do miraculous wonders. They were willing to be used by God because they believed that God was going to use them for a greater purpose. Let us have the same attitude that Joseph, Moses, and David exhibited. Let us strive to follow the Lord's leading at all times and obey his commands consistently.

Lord, who am I that you are thinking of me? I am but a speck of dust in this world, only one of your million creations, but you have noticed me. Thank you for giving me your undivided attention, love, and care. Despite my imperfections, you have given me a great opportunity to know you and to understand your greatness. Thank you Lord for this privilege. May I continue to witness and experience your greatness in my life.  AMEN.

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