Sunday, April 16, 2017

Daily Devotion: Instruments of The Good News

2 Kings 7: 3-11

Main Verse:
2 Kings 7: 9
Then they said to each other, "What we're doing is not right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves. If we wait until daylight, punishment will overtake us. Let's go at once and report this to the royal palace."

We can learn a few things about the four lepers who found the deserted Syrian camp:

1. They were wise - Despite their illness, they thought about the best thing to do in their current situation. In v. 4 they decided to surrender to the Aramean camp so they can survive the famine. They were gambling with their lives. If they stay in the city, they will die out of hunger. But if they surrender, there is a chance they could survive hunger.
2. They were unselfish - When they found out that the Arameans have abandoned their camp, they decided that it is best to share this good news to others. In doing so, many of the people would be able to benefit from the food and treasures that the Arameans left behind.
3. They acted right away - They did not delay in spreading the good news. They knew that if they do not tell the others immediately about the good news, they might get punished. They knew that they were accountable in sharing the blessings to others.

When we first received the good news of salvation, didn't we receive it with overflowing joy and gladness? We were so eager to spread the good news and to share it to others. We wanted others to also have a personal relationship with Jesus. But once the excitement faded, we were no longer as enthusiastic as we were the first time we heard about the Gospel. Often times, we have many reasons for not sharing the Word. But we can learn from what the four lepers in 2 Kings 7 did when they found out about the food and gold and treasure in the Aramean camp: they had the desire to share the blessings to others and they acted without delay.

Let us continue to have the burning passion to share Jesus and his blessing of salvation to others. We are accountable to the people around us and to the people that we meet everyday. We may never know who among these people thirst and hunger for the Word. We are God's instruments of the Good News to others.

My Lord, I am your servant. I humbly ask for forgiveness if I have not been able to share to others your gift of salvation. May there be opportunities for me to share the Gospel so that others may experience your love, grace, and mercy. AMEN.

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