Monday, April 17, 2017

Daily Devotion: Look Beyond

Luke 12: 13-21

Main Verse:
Luke 12: 15
Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions."

The irony of the parable of the rich fool is that this rich farmer is not foolish at all. He knew what to do and he had his plans for his farm all laid out. He sees the importance of investing in his future so that he would not have to worry about his retirement. But Jesus was not only talking about our temporal life in this parable. In v. 20, He tells us about what will happen to the rich man that night. He had his earthly life all planned out, but he failed to look beyond. And when the Lord decided to take away His life, the rich fool was unprepared. He was a fool for not planning for his life beyond death.

We get so easily dazzled by the lifestyles of the rich and famous that more often, we desire to have what they also have. We long for material possessions. We wish to travel the world. We want recognition for our accomplishments. But the Lord wants to remind us that we should look beyond our temporary lives here on earth. Nothing will last. I'm not saying that we should not strive to work hard and give it our best in any of our endeavors. Jesus just wants us to remember that there is more beyond this life, and we should give eternal life more importance than our temporal life. Remember, our salvation is more important than all the treasures that this world can offer.

Lord, thank you for reminding me about the importance of a saved life. May I always have a grateful and contented heart, and may I never fail to always look beyond my life here on earth. AMEN.

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