Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Daily Devotion: A Pure and Acceptable Body

1 Corinthians 6: 1-20

Main Verse:
1 Corinthians 6: 17
But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

Before marriage, a man and a woman vow to maintain pure bodies. They wait for their wedding day with excitement and anticipation, because finally, after months or even years of waiting and preparation, their most awaited day is finally happening. Our relationship with the Lord is like the sacred matrimony of marriage. It is an intimate union, a sacred promise that we will be one spirit with the Lord. And because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (v. 19), we must maintain the purity of our bodies.

Jesus treats each and everyone in a very special way because He bought our salvation with a price: His own body and blood which He shed on the cross. Therefore, we must conduct ourselves in a manner that shows how special Jesus is in our lives. When we received the Lord as our personal Lord and Savior, along with our eternal promise of obedience, we promised that we will be in union with Him. And as we all wait for that day when the Lord fetches us and brings us to His Kingdom in heaven, we must reserve our bodies to Him as pure, holy, and acceptable in His sight at all times.

Lord, my body is not mine, but yours. My flesh is weak, but by your grace, I can do all things because it is you who strengthens me. I pray that I can always lead a pure life. Help me avoid any kind of temptation so I can present myself blameless and acceptable in your sight at all times. AMEN.

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