Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Daily Devotion: Believe Without a Doubt

James 1: 1-8

Main Verse:
James 1: 6
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

The Lord wants us to put our faith in Him when we ask for His provisions. The apostle James starts this chapter with a verse that shows how blessed we are when we go through tough times. He also mentions that when our faith is tested, it refines our character; it allows us to persevere in times of trials and tribulations. However, the testing of our faith is different from doubting in God's character and His ability to answer our prayers. When we doubt, we no longer put our faith that God will work His wonders.

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt that God was not present? Perhaps, when a loved one was suffering from sickness, you have asked the Lord, "Why, Oh God?" Or maybe there was a time when you were going through a tough financial crisis, you have asked "Why me?" Maybe a family member has died, and you say "It's so unfair!" But we must remember that these trials are God's way to build in us a steadfast character, one that does not easily give up. We should pray with faith and confidence and believe that God's ways are not our ways. Things happen because God has His reasons.

Father, create in me a persevering character, one that puts 100% trust in your promises. You are a great and faithful God, and you will never test your children beyond what we can bear. Thank you for the assurance of your care and for encouraging me. AMEN.

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