Monday, May 8, 2017

Daily Devotion: Holding on to God's Faithfulness

Isaiah 40: 1-8

Main Verse:
Isaiah 40: 8
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.

In Isaiah 40: 6, people are compared to both grass and flowers. In winter time, the grass and the flowers all fall. They do not survive the harsh weather conditions. The early Israelites were like that. They easily wither and were unfaithful to the Lord. When they faced difficulties, they lacked faith that the Lord will find a way. They complained a lot and were never satisfied with what the Lord provides them with.

A lot of times, we are like grass and flowers that wither so easily. When we are in a difficult situation, we forget that we have a God who listens to us. We complain at the slightest hardship even when we are given plenty by our Lord. As His children, we are given an assurance that the Lord's word will endure forever. He was faithful to His children the Israelites. The Lord our God is faithful to His children, even when we are faithless and proud, even when we are disobedient. I can personally attest to God's faithfulness. I have been so stubborn, but the Lord was still talking to me and reminding me to come back to Him. He never let go of my hand. Indeed, we can hold on to God's faithfulness in our lives.

My Lord and Father in heaven, I am just a nobody, grass that easily withers, yet you took and held my hand. I praise and thank you for you are faithful. Even when I was unfaithful, you did not leave me. Please do not let go of me. I need you in my life all the time. AMEN.

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