Friday, May 5, 2017

Daily Devotion: Tell Others About God

Psalm 78: 1-72

Main Verse:
Psalm 78: 4
We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.

The Psalmist in Psalms 78 wanted to remind Israel and Judah to remember what the Lord had done for them, how the Lord saved them from Egypt. He revealed his greatness when he sent plagues to Egypt so the pharaoh and Egypt and Israel would know of His power. He divided the sea, provided the Israelites with food, protected them so they can reach the promised land. But what did the Israelites do? They complained to God. They doubted His powers. They did not trust that the Lord will bring them to the Holy Land. Time and again they rebelled against God. But the Lord is indeed a gracious and merciful God. He forgave His people despite all their shortcomings. The Psalmist wanted all of Israel to tell their children and the next generations of God's might and power and the wonders he has done, so that "they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.

The Lord wants us to share to others how He works in our lives. As Christians, we should proclaim the wonderful deeds the Lord has done. Do we trust in the Lord? Have we experienced God's mercy and grace? Then we need to tell others how God has performed miracles in our lives. Why? Because it is only when we tell others about God's greatness that people would know who God is and what He can do in other people's lives. When we tell others about God, they would obey His commands and they would be loyal to the Lord. When we tell others about God, and they put their confidence in the Lord, eventually they would be able to share to the next generation who is the Lord that we obey and serve.

Father, you are a great and powerful God. May I always have the opportunity  to share to others your goodness. May others get to know you through me. AMEN.

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