Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Daily Devotion: For It Is Written

Matthew 4: 1-11

Main Verse:
Matthew: 4: 4
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

The devil tempted Jesus before He started his mission on earth. First, he knew that Jesus was hungry after fasting for forty days so he asked him to turn the stones into bread. Jesus rebuked him by quoting that food for the spirit is more important than food for our hungry bodies. Next, the devil tested Jesus's faith in God by asking him to ask God to save his life. Again, Jesus rebuked him by quoting the Word that one should never test the Lord your God. Lastly, he asked Jesus to choose between the riches of this earth versus his love for God. Jesus again rebuked him by using the Word of God, and showing the devil that there is no other God for Him but the Lord our Father. And because Jesus was armed with God's Word, the devil fled from Him. As man, Jesus was able to victoriously overcome the devil's advances because he studied, learned, and kept God's Word in his heart.

The Word of God is our armor which we can use to defend ourselves against the devil's schemes (Ephesians 6: 11). When we are tempted, we can use the word to be able to stand our ground. That's why meditating on the Word of God is important. The Bible is not only full of God's blessings and promises; it is also our weapon against temptation. Let us always remember that God has provided us a way out so that we can overcome any temptation that comes along our way (1 Corinthians 10:13). When we are tempted, let us remember God's written word and his faithful promise of salvation against temptation.

Father, thank you for your written Word. Your Word is my shield, my protection against temptation. I praise and thank you for your promise of help when I am tempted. May I keep your Word in my heart and mind at all times. AMEN.

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