Saturday, March 25, 2017

Daily Devotion: Unshakable!

Jeremiah 17: 1-8

Main Verse:
Jeremiah 17: 7-8
"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

The writer contrasts two different kinds of man here. The first one is the man who trusts in his own wisdom or in the ungodly advice of men. In v. 5, when the writer wrote "cursed is the man," the Lord is not saying that He wants to curse the person. Rather, the person who does not trust in God or heeds the advice of someone whose faith is not in God will have a life of waste. But a person who always listens to God's voice and puts his trust in God will never be shaken. No matter what you throw at that person--whether small or big problems, whether the worries of this world--that person will never be anxious or worried because he knows in his heart that the Lord is there to help and provide and protect him.

We experience many problems and trials many times in our life as believers.  We are never exempted from them because we are still here on earth living human lives. But when these problems and trials arise, in whom do we put our trust? Do we seek the advice of men, or do we open our Bibles and seek what the Lord says? Do we make decisions based on our own understanding, or do we pray and ask God for wisdom and knowledge? As Christians, we need to remember that the source of our strength and wisdom is none other than the Lord. There is no reason for us to be concerned or worried because we know that the Lord is there to carry the burden for us. We have no fear, rather we have peace in our hearts, because the Lord will always provide us a way out. It is this knowledge that the Lord is our source of strength and refuge that we stand unshakable because the Lord is with us!

Lord, you are my refuge and strength. I praise you and thank you because I can always come to you when i am troubled. Thank you that you are here to help me and strengthen me, and that I can rejoice in my troubles. I hold on to you, I will never be shaken! AMEN.

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