Thursday, April 27, 2017

Daily Devotion: Slaves to Righteousness

Romans 6: 15-23

Main Verse:
Romans 6: 18
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

When you hear about slavery, what comes to your mind? How do you describe slaves? A dictionary meaning of "slave" reveals that a slave is "a person who is entirely under the domination of some influence or person." Slaves will do what their masters order them to do. They cannot disobey because they will be punished. In Romans 6: 16, Paul mentioned that we can choose to be slaves to sin or slaves to obedience. If we choose to be under the slavery of sin, the consequence is death. If we choose obedience, the consequence is righteousness. But our assurance once we have received Jesus Christ is that we are no longer slaves of sin. We are free! If we have the Lord Jesus Christ as our Master, He will lead us to the road toward holiness.

The Lord assures us that as believers, we can be secure under His protection. If we truly recognize the Lord as our Master, He will never let sin enslave us once again. Once we have received the gift of salvation, we are free from the bondage of sin. We are still slaves, but we are slaves to righteousness because we are now under Jesus Christ's care. The Lord guarantees that if we remain in Him, nothing can separate us from Him. Let us hold on to this truth and rejoice in the wonderful grace and mercy of our Lord!

Lord, I thank you for the assurance that you will always be by my side guiding me and protecting me against sin. I am not a slave to sin, but a slave to righteousness! Continue to guide me so that I may always walk the path to holiness and righteousness. AMEN.

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