Friday, April 14, 2017

Daily Devotion: Mature and Fruitful

Matthew 13: 1-9

Main Verse:
Matthew 13: 8
Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

The parable of the sower talks about three kinds of seed. The first three seeds were unproductive. One fell on the path and were eaten by birds. The other seed fell on a rocky spot. Because it had no good root system, the seed withered and died. The third seed was choked by thorns. But the last seed grew and became fruitful because it fell on good soil.

At my mom's house in the province, I find some seedlings that my parents did not really plant. They just spring out from the ground whenever they throw seeds of fruit that they have eaten. In some cases, the seeds grow in good and fertile soil, so my parents just get surprised that they already have a small mango, guyabano, papaya or even a star apple seedling. When the seedling has already established a good root system, they transfer them in a better place where it would grow better and eventually bear fruits of its own.

When God plants His Word in our hearts, we need to be responsive so we could bear much fruit. The Lord is not pleased when we just read His Word; we need to also obey His Word. The Lord does not expect huge or major changes in us, but He does expect to see a change in us little by little. Seeds do not immediately bear fruit. They go through the process of germination before you see the first roots and leaves sprout. They become tiny seedlings first and then they grow little by little into young seedlings that get firmer stems. Eventually, as days pass by, the young seedlings grow taller and the stems grow thicker stems until they are ready for transplanting to the ground. Once transplanted, the seedling is ready to grow into a young tree and then finally into a mature tree that bears fruit. Like seeds, we need to nurture our relationship with the Lord. We need to grow firmer in our faith. We need to expose ourselves in God's Word and constantly communicate with Him so we can follow His will at all times. And when we do that, we will eventually live mature and fruitful lives.

Father, I have known you for a long time, but I still have a lot to learn about you. My life as your follower is not perfect.  I have made several mistakes in the past that have hurt you. But I pray, oh Lord, that you hold my hand and never let me go so I can grow and be perfect in my faith. Lead my life so I may grow fruitful and mature. AMEN.

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