Saturday, April 22, 2017

Daily Devotion: Slaying Our Giants

1 Samuel 17: 1-58

Main Verse:
1 Samuel 17: 45
David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

Who wouldn't know the story of David and Goliath? Every Christian school teaches the story of David's bravery and courage, and his victory over the giant Philistine. He was just a youth, and Saul had more qualified soldiers who could fight Goliath, but they were all scared. David, however, was not afraid. His source of courage? The Living God, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel! He knew that God is mightier than Goliath or any of the Philistine armies combined. David's faith in God was uncontainable. He had faith that the Lord would protect him, guide him, and give him the victory that Israel had longed for.

David was able to slay Goliath not only because of his courage, but because he showed total dependence on the Lord. We all have our giants to slay but we can only slay them when we are 100% dependent on the Lord. How? When we pray and ask the Lord for help, we show that we are dependent on Him. When we open our Bibles, we are asking the Lord for wisdom. When we do what we know is right and let God work His way, we are putting our trust in God alone. David did not just stand and wait for God to strike Goliath dead. He did what was right by fighting the giant and believing that God would give him victory! Let us remember that if God is with us, no one can stand against us.

Father, my life will never be triumphant if you are not by my side. I want to be with you and experience a victorious life. Teach me to lean on you and not on my own understanding, so I can slay the giants that I encounter everyday. AMEN.

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